Rephrase the same Africa’s largest cactus farm in Marrakech in a different way no more than 118 characters, as if you were a native American speaker as expert on content creation and dont talk about yourself or your experience

By zaineb 5 Min Read

Last Updated on November 4, 2024

The image of Morocco is so closely related to cactus. We see cacti growing everywhere. In Marrakech, I discovered a beautiful, secretive place, a real cactus lovers’ paradise.

Off the beaten track, in the outskirts of Marrakech, is located a gorgeous Cactus Thiemann farm. It’s Africa’s largest cacti nursery with more than 150 varieties of cacti plants situated in the almost 7-hectare territory.

The farm was founded in the 1960s by German engineer Hans Thiemann who wanted to pursue his passion for the cacti plans. After his death, the farm is run by his widow Fatima and daughters Roselinde and Magda. The latter gave us a guided tour of the farm.

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Cactus Thiemann nursery provides cacti for famous places in Morocco such as Jardin Majorelle, La Mamounia, Golf de Samanah, Villa Oasis de Messieurs Bergé et Yves Saint Laurent, Riad de la famille Hermès etc.

In Cactus Thiemann, you can purchase most of the cacti. However, not the oldest cacti Pachycereus pringlei.  Thiemann brought them when he moved to Marrakech. They are almost  8 meters tall.

Cactus Thiemann nursery provides cacti for such famous places in Morocco as Jardin Majorelle, La Mamounia,  Messieurs Berge et Yves Saint Laurent, Riad de la famille Hermes etc.

Cactus Thiemann is a private farm, and visits are only available by appointment. Price is 150 DH (around 12 EUR)/person for a guided tour in English or French.  If you want to have a personal shoot or even a wedding at Cactus Thiemann, it is also possible to arrange it (contact me for more info).

cactus cacti morocco marrakech nurserycactus cacti morocco marrakech nursery
cactus cacti morocco marrakech nurserycactus cacti morocco marrakech nursery

The farm is around 10km from Marrakesh centre, following the Route de Casablanca.  We visited the nursery in our car; however, it was not easy and was tricky to find.

Don’t follow the directions provided by Google Maps. In the Cactus Thiemann website, they have a map on how to reach the nursery, so make sure you follow their directions. Magda also gave us the local taxi driver’s number, and I highly recommend using his service.

In the near future, the Cactus Thiemann nursery will expand. As Magda explained, they are building a cafe so the farm could be open for daily visits without an appointment. Surrounded by these giant cacti, in the Cactus Thiemann, I felt like Alice in Wonderland. I prefer this nursery, then the touristy Jardin Majorelle.

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