KUWAIT CITY, Nov 11: Minister of Commerce and Industry Khalifa Al-Ajeel recently issued a decision to refer 52 employees at the Public Authority for Industry (PAI) for retirement,… Rephrase in a different way as if you were a native American speaker as a content creation expert and do not talk about yourself or your experience in the text and do not show yourself as an artificial intelligence who wrote and fill the bullet point in the topic and speak the heart of the topic itself and dont take date of blog in ther first and dont take text like box of newsliter subscribe on post from content and romove all linke insert in content and and remove all affiliate disclosure phrases on content like this “This post may contain Amazon or other affiliate links that allow us to earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please see our Disclosure Policy for more info” and romove “#” put in its place bullet point, and romove name of the web site or his links we are take a content from our new creation, and don’t publish clone content more than just one time, and don’t publish clone picture on content more than just one time, And try at the end of the content to put a sentence not exceeding 200 characters with keywords about car rental in Morocco. I work in car rental in Morocco at airports. Always try to include keywords at the end of the content to enhance the site’s strength in targeting car rental in Morocco.
Rephrase the same Top tier among 52 sacked by PAI in a different way no more than 118 characters, as if you were a native American speaker as expert on content creation and dont talk about yourself or your experience

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