Rephrase the same Municipality issues 1,572 temporary licenses for spring camps in Kuwait in a different way no more than 118 characters, as if you were a native American speaker as expert on content creation and dont talk about yourself or your experience

omar omar
By omar omar 3 Min Read

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 21: Kuwait Municipality announced on Thursday that it has issued 1,572 temporary licenses for setting up spring camps as the season began in mid-November across the north and south of the country.

Mohammad Sandan, Director of Public Relations and Official Spokesperson for Kuwait Municipality informed KUNA that 1,315 licenses were issued through the official website, while an additional 257 licenses were granted via the unified government electronic services application, Sahl.

Sandan explained that the process for reserving campsites and obtaining licenses, managed by the Information Systems Center Administration, is operating smoothly through the dedicated reservation link ( He emphasized that the municipality has not encountered any technical issues with reservations or the electronic payment of fees and insurance.

Additionally, Sandan noted that Kuwait Municipality’s inspection teams have successfully monitored and removed 175 illegal camps that were set up before the official camping period in the northern and southern regions of the country.

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